Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Turn-Or-Burn" Street Preacher Rubin Israel—Tare Extraordinaire

The older I get, the more I am convinced that those that are part of the “turn or burn” crowd don't believe the same gospel that I do. You know, like the James Chapter 2 liars who say you are saved by Jesus but kept by your good works (I call these creeps part of the “work-for-it” crowd). Standing on a street corner yelling at people passing by and telling them they are going to Hell is not effective evangelism.

Rubin's road show videos is very prolific on Youtube, and he angers a lot of people, but just how many he and his crew have helped get saved is anyones guess. How many people that might be receptive to the gospel are turned off because of these clowns? Can anyone be saved hearing nothing but condemnation, and if someone by chance did ask Rubin how to be saved what would he say to them? Telling someone that they must “Turn from your sin and accept Jesus Christ into your heart” is NOT the gospel. Jesus Christ doesn't want your life, or your heart, or your condo in Boca Raton; He wants you to believe and trust in the gospel that is contained in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 .

Again, Rubin and the majority of the street preacher creeps don't believe in the same gospel that I believe in.  The confused corps of street preachers allied to Rubin are tares and are doing the work of the evil one by preaching nothing but the gospel of damnation.

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