Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Widsom of Youtube User ChiTownOnDeck

Below is a reply in a Paul Washer thread to those that were/are defending Washer's false gospel:

...where in scripture does it say we must live holy to keep our salvation?? That is a works based salvation. We should walk in the spirit as new creatures born of God but we're still in the flesh and therefore can fulfill the lusts thereof.

The holiness we need to enter the kingdom of God is given to us by Christ. All believers will see the kingdom because of what Christ did, not off of the fact we lived holy lives.

Consider you may be confused because there is a difference from what we should do and what we must do. Should we turn from our sins? Yes. Must we turn from our sins in order to be saved? No. Repenting of evil deeds or turning from sins is classified as a work...
10 And God saw their WORKS, THAT THEY TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not." Jonah 3

If turning from your sins is a work it cannot precede believing on the Lord Jesus because that would be adding to the gospel of the Lord Jesus.

(Every verse of the bible is true right??)...

"30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16

It's fair to say that people add the whole "repent of your sins" (when the bible never says that once) thing to make men accountable to each other instead of believing the gospel of God.

The doctrine of salvation has been under attack since the beginning. The apostle Paul warned the brethren of those who would try to bring us back into the bondage of the law.
The bible has always taught that salvation is by grace through faith, NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast. And we know that salvation is a one time event where a person is made a new creature...

"24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE." John 5 ~

The Thread in question can be found HERE.  BTW- I have received more page views on the previous Paul Washer post than any other.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pure Unadulterated Grace: A Blog That Is A Life Changer

I usually only talk about Youtube videos and channels(and he does have a YT channel but his blog is better), but I simply have to mention this blog.  The writer of this blog is a grace believer named Dave and his insights are absolutely amazing.  Link to his blog here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pastor James Knox: A Baptist Preacher That Actually Gets Eternal Security

I have been edified a great deal by this Florida (based in Deland, FL.) Pastor's teaching on Youtube, though he or his church doesn't have an official channel (at the time of this posting haven't been able to find one).  His teaching on Eternal Security  is a blessing, and you will find yourself listening to to it over and over.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Jan Boshof AKA 'finalcal07': Works Malcontent And Enemy Of The Gospel Contained in 1 Cor. 15:1-4

"Many people wrongly believe that they have been forgiven all their sins, past, present and future, because they have confessed that they believe in Jesus Christ. They have not been forgiven! You are only forgiven and Jesus only blots out your sins of the past if you truly repent and turn away from following after sin, the lust of your flesh, and you follow and obey Jesus Christ."--Jan Boshof

 A lot of the same mendacities  I am used to seeing and hearing on Youtube from those in the "work-for-it" camp.  Watch this cantankerous old heretic ('finalcal07) at your own risk.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Paul Washer: One Huge Calvinist Weed Who Holds To The Five Points

"Every time a Calvinist dies he rips Hell so wide it takes Satan six months to patch the place up."--Unknown Evangelical Preacher

"Neidermeyer" from Animal House
Before I get started perhaps it would be helpful to those that don't know what Calvinism is to take a look at this link.

As I have pointed out on my last blog post, anyone that claims that you have to do good works to obtain or maintain salvation is telling you a lie, and Paul Washer at the very least has been documented on Youtube stating that works is the evidence of salvation. 

If you still aren't convinced this wolf isn't a work-for-it Calvinist just listen to what he tells this young seminary student that is searching for truth. Washer thinks he's cute when he says he isn't a five-point Calvinist, but rather a "five-point Spurgeonist"  (minute 2:11 of this video).  (a side note) It's also very funny to me personally that Paul Washer looks a lot like the Doug Neidermeyer character from the movie Animal House; who just  like washer, loves to declare to everyone how unworthy and weak they are.

It is incredible to me how the heresy of Calvinism has infiltrated  so many Baptist congregations; perhaps this is why so many true Bible believers are leaving Baptist pews.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Opinion On Works As It Relates To The Gift Of Salvation Paid For By Jesus Christ

There isn't anywhere in the Bible that teaches good works is the evidence of salvation.  Fruit of good works is not easily discerned; and it cannot be reliable proof of salvation.  As Christians, we are created in Jesus Christ to do good works (Eph. 2:10) and expected to do good works (1 Tim. 6:18; Titus 2:7, 14; Heb. 10:24), but good works are never attached to the condition for salvation, which is faith alone in Christ alone (Rom. 4:4-5). I want to also stress that scripture clearly states we are saved by grace and not works (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 3:20, 28; Gal. 2:16 ); while good works can be corroborating evidence for one's faith in Christ, they are not sufficient to prove or disprove it and IMHO absence of good works proves absolutely nothing.

One does not have to do good works to be saved,  maintain it, or to prove one possesses it.  Only faith in God's promise of eternal life through the finished work of Jesus Christ and the acceptance of what He has done for us guarantees and proves our salvation; and Just in case you are wondering; it is after all a related issue (you can't have salvation without it being eternally secure), I also believe in the eternal security of the believer since that is clearly what it says in the Bible.

Monday, March 2, 2015

View In Complete Safety: Pastor Richard Jordan

A teacher of the true gospel for us today contained in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.  I have viewed his material over and over and I have learned a great deal from this man. 

Martin Richling: A Very Nasty And Hateful Weed (CULT ALERT)

Former cop  turned Internet prophet does nothing but spew hatred and anger towards other pastors and teachers.   I am not going to write too much about this this guy, but everyone on Youtube should be aware of this tare by reading this very thorough article here.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Robert Lyte: Another Holiness Nutjob That Will Instruct You On How To Stop Sinning Everyday

Proverbs 20:9 "Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?" 
Found this video from yet another false teacher that says it's possible not to sin.   There are literally hundreds of creeps on Youtube deceiving people and telling them it is possible to not sin. If it were possible to keep the slate clean then why was it necessary for Jesus Christ to die?

Da Panda Man Evangelist: A Comfort And Youtube Good Guy

There are precious few on the Internet and on Youtube that preaches the true gospel and has a heart for the lost; I have watched a few Da Panda Man's  videos and his discussions with other believers on Youtube, and he is definitely wheat and one of the few good guys on Youtube.

I like what I see in Da Panda Man Evangelist channel and it is my hope he continues the good work.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Levi Price: A Prideful Holiness Street Preacher Spreading Lies And Sowing Doubt

When the holiness movement people claim they reach sinless perfection on earth they lie just like Satan did in the Garden. They are also making God's grace of none effect since they are saying you can obtain or retain salvation through works or “not sinning”.

Romans 11:6 “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.”

Anyone that claims that they do not sin as does Levi is a big fat liar. Without a doubt Levi Price is a tare spreading heresy on Youtube;  as it states in 1 John 1:8,  “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Why do creeps like Levi cling to the sanctification doctrine? Answer: Pride.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Making Maps And Stains Fit Into Biblical End Time Prophecy

"For instance, one can see, or persuade others to see, all sorts of shapes in a cloud: a horse, a human body, a dragon, a face, a palace, and so on. Any prospect or object of the Physical world can be treated in this manner, from which the proposed conclusion is that it is impossible to concede any value whatsoever to immediate reality, since it may represent or mean anything at all" –Salvador Dali on his Critical Paranoiac Method

“The Groxt” takes images (such as maps and other images) and finds hidden Biblical end-time meanings to them.  My theory is he employs something like Dali's Critical Paranoiac Method in arriving at his fantastic conclusions; essentially attempting to fit a spiritual round peg into a physical square hole; comparing apples and oranges.

“The Groxt” also spends a great deal of time interpreting current pop culture in movies and entertainment ad nauseam, As does R$E; a way at externalizing the hierarchy perhaps?

What really had me scratching my head was his constant references to the Pleiades and the the "Dog Star" Sirius.  Mark, (his real name is Mark), claims that the body of Christ will be raptured via this star.  Most references to this star I have ever read had very negative connotations.

Mark says many perplexing things and again claims that the body of Christ will be raptured via Sirius(I am a grace believer and believe in the pre-trib rapture myself), but then he makes reference to “praying for God's mercy,” so as to be counted worthy to escape the tribulation on the Earth.   Mark's take on the parable of the ten virgins leads me to believe Mark is a believer in works as well as grace which doesn't equal either.

I won't label "The Groxt" as a weed, but there are too many red flags raised in my spirit when watching his material which is why I won't classify him as one of the good guys on Youtube.   Beware and watch with a sober mind, a word to the wise is sufficient.

Chris Lasala: Another Confused Young Man That Is Part Of The Work-For-It Crowd On Youtube

Chris is known as the guy that casts out demons via Skype, and has exorcism videos on his channel. His biggest heresy is claiming that true believers in Jesus Christ can be possessed by demons. One of his most asinine teaching is claiming that every time a man masturbates a demon(s) is born. Not much more I can add, his videos say it all.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Turn-Or-Burn" Street Preacher Rubin Israel—Tare Extraordinaire

The older I get, the more I am convinced that those that are part of the “turn or burn” crowd don't believe the same gospel that I do. You know, like the James Chapter 2 liars who say you are saved by Jesus but kept by your good works (I call these creeps part of the “work-for-it” crowd). Standing on a street corner yelling at people passing by and telling them they are going to Hell is not effective evangelism.

Rubin's road show videos is very prolific on Youtube, and he angers a lot of people, but just how many he and his crew have helped get saved is anyones guess. How many people that might be receptive to the gospel are turned off because of these clowns? Can anyone be saved hearing nothing but condemnation, and if someone by chance did ask Rubin how to be saved what would he say to them? Telling someone that they must “Turn from your sin and accept Jesus Christ into your heart” is NOT the gospel. Jesus Christ doesn't want your life, or your heart, or your condo in Boca Raton; He wants you to believe and trust in the gospel that is contained in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 .

Again, Rubin and the majority of the street preacher creeps don't believe in the same gospel that I believe in.  The confused corps of street preachers allied to Rubin are tares and are doing the work of the evil one by preaching nothing but the gospel of damnation.

Greg Rider: Champion of the Gospel Contained in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

I must preface this by saying that this commentary will be a bit biased since I consider this man not only a fellow believer but a friend. Greg has a channel called His PowerProductions, and like Jacksmack77, has a plain-spoken style of presenting the gospel. Greg has a heart for people and to see them saved, and it is my hope he continues his work on Youtube.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wheat: Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

Another YT Hero of mine and definitely part of the wheat camp--Ralph "Yankee" Arnold.

Arnold doesn't mince words and in a lot of his messages proclaims that: "Eternal security is the gospel."

One of the Good Guys on Youtube: Jacksmack77

I came across some of this guys material several years ago and though he isn't what some call a radical grace guy some of his messages truly does put into clear view of what God's grace truly means.  Jacksmack77 did a video a couple of years ago called “Living like the devil and still saved ,” and if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.  Jack couches the gospel of Jesus Christ in a straight-forward manner, because this guy is actually concerned with helping people learn how to be saved.  Jacksmack77 is driven and I have always enjoyed his videos.  

 To see more of Jacksmack77's videos go here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

R$E Channel Entertaining for the Truth Movement Meme

R$E “exposes” the NWO agenda and follows the same pattern of regurgitating all the Satanic agitprop we are used to seeing by those with truth material on their channels.  R$E claims of being a Christian is questionable after I looked into a video produced by ncbookz.   Ncbookz's claims that R$E stated in one of his videos that the Ark of the Covenant was a black satanic cube among some other statements.  Link Here

Also puzzling about this guy is he will put up entire clips of very dark content of those he is trying to expose with little or no comment-- externalize the hierarchy anybody?  Channels like this raises red flags with me personally. IMHO there is a hidden agenda to this channel.