Sunday, March 1, 2015

Robert Lyte: Another Holiness Nutjob That Will Instruct You On How To Stop Sinning Everyday

Proverbs 20:9 "Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?" 
Found this video from yet another false teacher that says it's possible not to sin.   There are literally hundreds of creeps on Youtube deceiving people and telling them it is possible to not sin. If it were possible to keep the slate clean then why was it necessary for Jesus Christ to die?


  1. Good information.

  2. Thanks. I don't expose the big false teachers (Kenny, Benny, and Joel) but the lesser known false teachers and preachers on Youtube. If someone knows of a false teacher they should send me a message via my Youtube account.

    Again, thanks, and Christ's love and blessings to you.

  3. I wonder how that not sinning thing is working out for him :)

  4. He is actually speaking of TRUTH. I have a hard time to quit smoking for 20 years. Amazing, I have stopped smoking after listening all his videos. Listen if you have ears.

  5. Another one to add to your lineup would be Pastor(?) Charles Pretlow in Canyon City, CO.
